

مشروع معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي المحلي من تونغلي الوطني للأراضي الرطبة

تعد الحدائق الرطبة جزءًا مهمًا من نظام حماية الأراضي الرطبة الوطنية ، وهي أيضًا خيار شائع للسفر الترفيهي للعديد من الناس. Many wetland parks are located in scenic areas, and with the proliferation of tourists, the problem of sewage treatment in wetland scenic areas will gradually come to the fore. Tongli Wetland Park is located in the suburbs of Wujiang, Jiangsu Province, the nearby sewage network is difficult to cover, taking into account that once the number of visitors to the wetland park, the park toilet sewage and scenic sewage is likely to affect the water بيئة الجودة. For this reason, the person in charge of the park found Liding Environmental Protection, consulting sewage treatment technology solutions and project construction matters. في الوقت الحاضر ، أقر مشروع معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي القبول ويتم تشغيله رسميًا.

متطلبات النفايات السائلة:
 30 طن/يوم
تدفق العملية:
LD-SC معدات معالجة الصرف الصحي المحلية المتكاملة

Tongli Wetland Park not only has a good ecological environment, rich species resources, beautiful natural scenery, but also provides tourists with a variety of tourism services such as leisure and entertainment, farming culture display, nature experience, science and education. Liding Environmental Protection, as a professional sewage treatment equipment and solutions provider, is honored to provide sewage treatment products and solutions for the wetland park, the future company will continue to high standards, strict requirements, to create high-quality sewage treatment projects, dress حتى بطاقة الأعمال البيئية في البقعة ذات المناظر الخلابة!

وقت النشر: فبراير -07-2025